Thursday, May 3

The Truth of Tango

There are those who do not aspire to get close to the truth of "love". Either they have never known the truth of love or that it is more likely that they feel they have been betrayed by such truth. We all acknowledge its reality - "love" - but most have no clue how it happens to come along or how it can be lost and gone. In this playground there may always be hurt but is that enough of a reason to fear playing the game?

The world is vast and our minds often can only see it in small enough portions, in shadows of which we live and make our living. We accept the world to be only what we can decipher and comprehend it to be and no one is foolish enough to think that they know more than the dimensions which they occupy. That is why perhaps we stick to the bits of the world that we already know well.

If we change our world we end up having to change ourselves too. Such change costs us heavily - days, nights or even years of our life; a commodity of which we never have any ideas how much we actually own. It is no wonder that we fear losing our place; the place where we have come to know ourselves:
our world.

Others are just like us too, they may be a little more fortunate or unfortunate, younger, older, intelligent or dumb, or whatever else by which we may like to differentiate ourselves from others.

It is said that the truth is the only thing that remains behind. Perhaps the truth is like the infinity, and it can only stretch to what our imagination allows us to know it to be.

If truth is universal then wouldn't it be the case that the same truth has within it the burdens and aspirations that occupy everyone's lives? Is that not everyone's truth?

Isn't it also part of such truth that everyone wants to make and leave their own mark behind? Something that can be recalled by friends, enemies, lovers, and all others including those whom we may have never known by any names or sight.

Everyone wants to leave something of themselves behind, a trace of ourselves; to show that we changed something as we passed and expired; a date: marked somewhere with a name printed next to it saying and stating that "I was here too!".

The absolute truth could be that there is a point at which we are no longer. Our human nature is as complex as we enjoy making it but it is also very simple - only if we dare to dissect it. Isn't that part of the truth?

People encounter other people's lives - and we are amongst those whom by accident or coincidence, and maybe by intent encounter others and make a mark on each others' lives. We are all, seemingly at any time, one or many of these: happy and indifferent, fresh or exhausted souls, wandering around, in and out of many lives as we cross paths with them.

Some of us are hopeful and some remain pessimistic, but all desperately searching for a place to rest our sleepy eyes, aching hearts, fevered heads, unsettled minds, searching for another group or even just one other soul, to share 'our truth in our world'.

'The truth' that we hold very close, dear, and much valued; we feel its burden but prefer to keep carrying it with us at all times. It feels better this way. We feel this is a much better way than losing it neglectfully or by any tomfoolery.

Some of us look up to the established religions, in other words: "the creator", to find our answers; to satisfy our thirst for dealing with the truth. Some others try a different way; replacing something else in place of their religion. They follow it with the same commitment and conformity as any other religion. It seems that wanting and searching for the truth creates a void, and everyone wants it filled by any means if they could.

If love is 'the truth'; as some say "Love is all we need" then is it our nature that lets us down since some are very easily distracted?

And if it is love then is it the pleasure of love which we seek or is it the pain that it causes? Could it be both ? The pleasure and the pain without both of which we do not believe our love to be the real thing.
It is said "we must champion both the pain and the pleasure since love can not live without one or the other!"

Like everyone else I am also engaged in searching for my own truth, but meanwhile let us practice it some more! Let us dance through the motions and emotions. These are the closest to the truth. Let us enjoy love and tango, with their pains and pleasures, and accept the only real truth we can fully sense: this is life, "This is the Tango!"

The only cat who loves you back!

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