Tuesday, January 30

Don't cheat me this dance!

You always want to talk it through, this I never understood. Listen to me when I say "I am not going to have a discussion with you today". If you insist I shall say "good-bye!". All I want is for you not to just stroke my hair but instead: lead me 'here', dance me 'there', show me off 'everywhere'. Let me get my tango fix and I help you get yours.

Why is it so difficult for you to understand this? I want 'you' to be in control and I also want to know that I am going to be "OK!", there with you.

This is "Tango" and I don't care even if you are gay, be a Man this evening and any other, in fact any day whenever you ask me to dance these songs! Although it is perfectly fine to be gay but there is no comparison between dancing with a man and a lady-boy.

I want you to dance me physical, I want you to make me dance this tango the way it should. By the way I have no intentions to meet your mother, I just want your body touching mine, and am not going to ask you if you will still love me tomorrow. Relax! All I want you to do now is for you to be stronger than I.

It is magic if you hold me sure, I don't want us to grow apart, let me have a secure embrace. But ....please, don't squeeze me that tight because I need my lungs to work by their own! Leave me some room, I need air if I am to survive to the end. I hate to think that I need to say "Thank you!" when we shouldn't have to.

Don't cheat me this dance or the next: Let me know by your body where I am going with my feet, lead me those steps, now and in the next. I can't choose them - the steps - I never enjoy doing them just on my own, you are "the man", do yourself a favour and lead me them because I love to follow when I dance.

Don't describe me the moves, I need no lectures from you, there is nothing I want you to teach me, for those I go to lessons. I just want you to let me feel secure knowing where my feet are to follow yours. Remember you are my lead, not teacher, lover or god forbid the enemy or worse of all: these thrown into one.

One more thing, make sure I am the one who looks pretty. Tango is about the Women and not 'you', and that is why "This Is Tango!": That is the way this game is played.

Remember I am your universe till the ends, through all these songs, dance me round, and stop looking around. I can be your dream follower if you don't cheat me these tango songs.


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