Thursday, September 13

Thames & Tango

The start is here again. With autumn and the weather getting cooler, students returning to universities, summer holidays are soon to be just memories and pictures, the evenings will begin to extend and sunsets rapidly getting earlier than the immediate days before. These are the times that Tango evenings become more feverish and crowded .

In our milongas we shall see many more faces, some are old friends who come back - we have missed you in your absence -, and there are also many who are new to the joys of dancing tango, with their bright smiles and sometimes shy and uncertain look in their eyes hoping to master the challenges they see as steps and moves, they make themselves instantly known or just try to hide in the corners a little longer. Let us all give them a warm welcome to both our old friends and the new.

This weekend on the 15th and 16th September 2007, London is having its annual Thames Festival. This year, for the second year running, Tango will play some major part in celebrating this river and its history.

Right outside The New Tate Modern, one of the most wonderful galleries of art, there will be hopefully hundreds of people who'd embrace each other warmly and dance tango all day long both on Saturday and Sunday.

This two days event is accompanied by many other social attractions and fun celebrations along the river.

For the Tango dance lovers, I believe the Thames Festival and The River Tango program make a unique and very popular way with which to herald the commencement of our new season of tango here in London.

We all have our fingers crossed for autumn sunny days this weekend. The weather forecast is good. Even if you live a little far out, it is worth the trip into London. Travel here and stay the weekend, you will regret it if you don't, turn up, dance and enjoy and let us celebrate the Thames and the start of the tango season in style!

Hope to see you all!
The Only Cat Who Loves You Back!


Anonymous said...

What a fabolous weekend for Tango addicts! I had a wonderful time at "RiverTango". The pleasure of dancing certainly out-weighed the aching feet and exhaustion!
Thank you for reminding us all about this excellent event.

While I dance
I cannot judge
I cannot hate
I cannot separate
Myself from life
I can only be joyful
And whole
That’s why I dance.

24tango said...

It is wonderful to hear that you enjoyed it too.

There were so many hundreds of people dancing during both days. The looks of pleasure on everyone's faces were just as rewarding to see.

All there remains now is to wait for another year :)

tangobaby said...


I've just discovered your blog and am enjoying it very much. Your description of these two events makes me realize that there is so much tango in the world to enjoy, everywhere. I haven't been to London in years so I am glad to know that in between visits to the places I loved last time, I'll spend my evenings with tango, too.

24tango said...

Let's hope that you'll visit us soon, and that you'd enjoy your stay with good memories of joyful evenings dancing in London.
