Friday, June 22


Whatever enters my mind can not be tossed aside.

But the thought therein; I can not confront.

What shall I do when I'm unable to scream for you?

- Separation,
- Separation,
Free me from this separation!

Whatever language's spoken;
Separation exists;
(From an Azarbaijani folk song.)

Big hearts speak the same language wherever we listen. In all of our little world, there exist only one truth: "the innocence of it all".

The only cat who loves you back!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you for sharing this beautiful piece. It's enchanting melody echoes in my mind.

There are so many things in my heart that I want to say to you.
I cannot say them.
There is something cold in words while there is nothing cold in me.
But you understand.
You see me as no one else sees me.
We both trust silence.
"Khalil Gibran"